Annegret Affolderbach

︎ Water
︎ re-Purposed
︎ Daydream Meadow
︎ Trees Of Life
︎ We Used To Lay In Meadows Dreaming
︎ Between Conversations

︎ About Me
︎ About The Past
︎ Instagram

“Abundance is not held in the name of a thing or in ideas of ample quantities that we attach to affluence, but in the flow of life, in its riches of mind, body and soul in reciprocity with the creative energy of nature and the universe.” Annegret Affolderbach

“Abundance is not held in the name of a thing or in ideas of ample quantities that we attach to affluence, but in the flow of life, in its riches of mind, body and soul in reciprocity with the creative energy of nature and the universe.” Annegret Affolderbach


a site-responsive  living ecological artwork created in collaboration with UNI FORM in Johannesburg, South Africa

June - July 2023


Inspired by the beautiful trees surrounding UNIFORMs new concept store, I payed homage to the largest man-made forest in the world. With an estimated 10million trees, Johannesburg’s lush canopy is threatened by a deadly beetle infestation and climate change; an urgent call to plant new trees.

In a sensory interaction with clay, water, Earth pigments and tree & wildflower seeds gathered in the streets of Johannesburg, I brought alive a series of ten Wabi Sabi inspired ephemeral seed vessels in UNIFORMs new concept store window during  a live installation. 'Trees Of Life' are living ecological artworks reminding us of our kinship with the living world.

The window is live until September’23 and the  artworks are available at UNIFORMs store in Johannesburg.